Celebrating eleven years of partnership with an AP Automation upgrade!

Exterior shot of Hunter Douglas head office.

Hunter Douglas Australia is the largest supplier of window coverings in Australia, and part of the Hunter Douglas Group which sells in excess of $3.6 billion USD of window coverings world-wide. With design and innovation at the core of the business, Hunter Douglas Australia primarily distributes their custom-made window coverings under the trusted household brand name Luxaflex® Window Fashions. 

Hunter Douglas is a long-term Fusion5 AP (accounts payable) Automation customer, with a relationship dating back to their purchase of a Lotus Notes workflow solution in 2010. Following Fusion5’s 2012 launch of their Microsoft-based ApprovalPlus procure-to-pay solution, Hunter Douglas were amongst the first to recognise its value and subsequently adopt it to streamline their AP process.

Amongst other business benefits, Fusion5’s solution has eliminated the need for the Hunter Douglas AP team to manually enter supplier invoices, and has automated matching purchase orders created in the business’s JD Edwards ERP to invoices in ApprovalPlus.

As the latest step in the partnership, Fusion5 are migrating Hunter Douglas from their on-premises version of ApprovalPlus to the new cloud-hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) version. With ApprovalPlus V4 in place, Hunter Douglas will enjoy a modern, easy-to-use interface to the already functional application, along with the ability to access and manage their procure-to-pay process from anywhere, at any time.

Great outcomes start with great conversations


Great outcomes start with great conversations

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