
I have a confession to make.

Despite being the CEO of a successful technology solutions business, I use very few applications. My role is about people and relationships, so I value communication above all else.

That’s probably why Microsoft Teams has been a source of great delight for me over the last few years. It's enabled our business to deliver projects seamlessly despite the pandemic, and for me, as CEO, to maintain an ongoing dialogue with our people and clients - no matter where they are.

As we all adapted to remote working for long periods, I admit to being worried about the impact of the disruption on the business. It was a genuine concern, which I am sure was widely shared – and without Teams, I am sure the outcome would have been different for many of us in the services industry. As it was, Teams meant that we didn’t miss a beat – nothing has changed.

Our relationships have continued. We've seen each other, talked, laughed, and even learned more about one another’s lives, pets, and families. It’s been very much business as usual, if not better in some ways. For example, when we had our first face-to-face director’s meeting in Queenstown late last year, it was as though we hadn’t seen one another in person for weeks – not the 30 months it was in reality. It was amazing to maintain that degree of comfort and familiarity; it was as if two and a half years of remote relationships hadn't happened.

Although I had begrudgingly used Skype in the years past, Teams has proven to be so much more – more powerful, reliable, and collaborative. So, it's no surprise to me that Teams saw a huge increase in users over the pandemic (rising from 20 million users in November 2019 to a staggering 270 million in 2022!).

Teams has allowed me to replace an inability to travel over the last few years with the ability to contact someone quickly, to chat or conduct business. To see someone's face, see if they're happy, see if they're engaged and talk to them as though they’re in the same room, has been worth its weight in gold.

While the rest of Fusion5’s leadership team may talk about newer and more strategic technology, I’ll admit that Teams, this year - and the three prior - gets my vote. It has been my lifesaver.

Rebecca Tohill
CEO - Fusion5

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