Outsourced IT Managed Services - the secret weapon for progressive organisations

Well, maybe it's not THAT much of a secret weapon, but for many organisations, they're certainly sleeping on the deep benefits that Outsourced IT Managed Services can bring.

Many business leaders might think 'Outsourced IT' is the IT Department's concern. And while the day to day engagement with Managed Services Providers may fall to the IT Department, the benefits will more often be felt by executive leaders, employees, and the business overall.

Whether you're experiencing too much system downtime, are struggling to keep up the necessary expertise to stay abreast of the rapid changes to technology - especially when it comes to security - or you simply can't get ahead because you're too busy just keeping the lights on, there's a Managed Services offering to benefit you.

Something just for....you!

When you hear 'Outsourced IT' or 'Managed Services', you probably think "That's something for the IT Department to deal with".  But here's the thing - while it's typically the IT Department that field a lot of the 'noisy' feedback when things aren't working in your business, the benefits of reducing that noise are more often felt by the Executive Leaders...curious? Find out how Outsourced IT Managed Services can directly impact YOUR role.

For...the CEO

As CEO, how can managed services benefit the business from your perspective? Your role is to take the business to new heights, leading and conquering markets and being a shining industry example of innovation, productivity, operational excellence and profitability. Sounds easy peasy, right?  


It certainly is for the CEO who can maintain a laser focus, undistracted by building non-core operations within the business. Few CEOs outside of the technology industry see IT as a core business service. And with today’s managed services offerings (which range from managed cybersecurity and outsourced helpdesk to architecture and applications), they don’t need to...

For...the CFO

The words ‘managed services’ and ‘outsourcing’ typically bring joy to the ears of most enlightened CFOs. And with good reason(s).  


The opportunity to replace or reduce a large internal cost with a predictable and controllable fixed monthly fee (in most cases) and to avoid growing the number of full-time internal resources needed is a welcome one. A predictable cost structure means you can develop more accurate budgeting and forecasting, so you have clarity of where resources need to be allocated and eliminate those nasty financial surprises...



For...the CIO

If you are like most CIOs, you are likely acutely aware of the need to have your services well balanced between an MSP (Managed Services Provider) and your internal IT operations. 

Today’s IT departments are under constant pressure to adapt – and fast. They need to innovate to keep up with changing technology, which is always a challenge when also tasked with the BAU operational requirements necessary to keep the business lights on. 


The other challenge, of course, is upskilling and training. Just finding a good time to take an already busy IT professional off the tools to learn is tricky. (As is finding coverage for holidays, sick days, maternity leave and more...

For...the CISO

As the epidemic of data breaches continues to affect organisations worldwide, so does the importance of the CISO role – and the ability to manage or overcome unacceptable levels of cyber risk. In Australia and New Zealand were impacted by a data breach. 


In a 2019 survey by Deloitte, they reported that 99% of organisations have outsourced some parts or the entire process of cybersecurity operations to third-party service providers. Deloitte noted: “…across the board, our survey respondents indicated that they turn to partners most often when it comes to security operations, vulnerability management, physical security, and training and awareness.” And with good reason...



For...the IT Leaders

The burden of the IT Manager is a heavy one. You need to keep the organisation happy, effectively manage your team, and deliver user happiness through timely support and innovation. However, like most managers, a lack of resources but an overabundance of work is an ongoing battle.  


Keeping the business lights on – well into the small hours if not 24/7 - requires its fair share of mundane tasks like general maintenance of IT systems, cybersecurity, patch and endpoint management, licence compliance, network intrusion monitoring, and vulnerability management.  

There’s always a lot to do...

For...HR & People Leaders

Whether your title is Director of People and Culture, Chief of Human Relations, or HR Manager, your ability to champion your people depends on the technology experience your organisation can offer.   


By outsourcing IT management and monitoring functions to a Managed Services Provider (MSP), you can enable your employees to do what they were hired for rather than make every day an ongoing battle with technology. While Managed Services enable the smooth running and security of your business technology...



Spotlight on... Managed Services

Managed Services, specifically Outsourced IT Managed Services, is an important part of Fusion5's total 'business solution' offering. Unlike Managed Service Providers many of you may have encountered in the past, we take a very collaborative approach to partnering with you and your IT Teams. Extending and complementing your existing skills and resources so you have more bandwidth to manage high value projects that underpin business improvement is the name of the game. While reducing your risk, and doing that all cost-effectively. If you've been curious about whether Managed Services could be a good move for your business, grab yourself a cuppa and skip through this 20 minute video with our GM Enterprise Cloud and Security, Kris Jackson - you might be pleasantly surprised at 'what could be'!

00:45  Which Managed Services does Fusion5 provide? 02:36  Why did Fusion5 acquire leading Managed Services provider, Vigilant.IT?

03:50  What are the primary benefits a business can expect, when investing in Outsourced IT Managed Services?

08:22  Is 'Outsourced IT' an all or nothing setup, or is there a spectrum of options for how a business can engage with and utilise Outsourced IT Managed Services?

10:33  What are some indicators or signs that considering Outsourced IT Managed Services could be the right choice for a business?

12:26  Whose job is it to identify opportunities to utilise Outsourced IT Managed Services, and who carries the responsibility for making that investment?

15:58  What are the misconceptions people have about investing in Managed Services?

19:04  What is the one thing you wish people understood better about Outsourced IT Managed Services, what would that be?

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