
Drive business strategy, don't build IT empires

As CEO, how can managed services benefit the business from your perspective? 

Your role is to take the business to new heights, leading and conquering markets and being a shining industry example of innovation, productivity, operational excellence and profitability. 

Sounds easy peasy, right?  

It certainly is for the CEO who can maintain a laser focus, undistracted by building non-core operations within the business. Few CEOs outside of the technology industry see IT as a core business service. And with today’s managed services offerings (which range from managed cybersecurity and outsourced helpdesk to architecture and applications), they don’t need to. 

Attracting and retaining talent are currently the top workforce priorities for CEOs worldwide. Yet 26% of CEOs interviewed for the 2023 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey cited talent shortage as the most damaging risk for their organisation.  

At a time when there is an exceptional shortfall in the number of cybersecurity experts (only equalled by the growth in cyber threats), the prospect of building a specialist technology workforce within a business is incredibly challenging and expensive. Likewise, it isn’t easy to find the time, money and effort to keep your technology environment and business running smoothly while supporting the user and customer experience – and their expectation of 24/7 support. 

The investment required to build an internal IT team and capability for the business is significant. Not only are you competing in the market for skill sets, but you need the capability (and ongoing employee training) to cover the entire breadth of your technology solutions. And in doing so, your business can become – by default – an IT business. When all you really want to do is grow or harvest produce, make widgets, sell services, or run retail stores. 

Growth is a major job mandate for most CEOs. Whether it’s by acquisition, being acquired, or increasing market share, the need to scale strategically without risk is critical. Finding the resources and skills needed to support more people, offices, and branches doesn’t need to be a roadblock when you’re planning world domination.  

Naturally, seamless scaling requires partnering with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) with the ability, resources, range of services, commitment, and willingness to grow alongside you. Synergies in culture and how you work together are also critical, as are the value and flexibility your MSP can offer.  

Choosing a single highly capable MSP in preference to working with a range of suppliers and vendors simplifies the effort of both engagement and management.  

Back to the opening question: “How can managed services benefit the business from your perspective?” Outsourcing everything IT leaves you free to build and scale your business without investing in internal resources. While you focus on your core business, your MSP will keep the lights on 24/7 and support your staff whenever they need it. 

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2023 October
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